Clinical Information Systems
Since 2001 LOWTeq GmbH has supplied innovative and integrative clinical information systems (CIS) solutions.
In the beginning the question was how to make clinical documentation simpler, to gain more time for the essentials. This led to an idea, the idea led to a computer program, and over the course of time this led to a successful company.
Process optimisation, transparency, time savings – LOWTeqpdms clinical information systems offers doctors exactly what they need in their daily work.
From premedication and anaesthesia, through all functional areas including instrument monitoring, to the intensive and emergency wards, the LOWTeqanaesthesia, LOWTeqintensive care and LOWTeqemergency modules make captured data available at all workstations, ensuring a consistent information status across all departments.
In addition to automatically captured vital data, LOWTeqpdms documents all medications prescribed as well as all procedures performed, materials used and times. Simple integration into the hospital information system means that this patient data is available for doctors’ letters, transfer reports and billing.
If a patient returns to the hospital or clinic, the existing data and reports can be retrieved quickly and easily.
Contact us if you would like further information on LowTeq or view more of our Critical Care product ranges.